Graduate School of Medical Sciences
A partnership with the Sloan Kettering Institute

Science and Beyond...

WCGS graduates showcased here discuss their inspirations, their passion for science and life beyond the laboratory. They are great examples of how the world class training and scientific environment here at WCGS enabled them to pursue their dreams and ambitions.

Susannah Calhoun, PhD (Class of 2018)

For Susannah Calhoun, her differences are also her greatest strengths. As a congenital amputee, she was inspired to overcome the challenges she faced and pursue a future in science, an interest first sparked in high school and culminating in her PhD.

Neel Madhukar, PhD and Katie Gayvert, PhD (Class of 2017)

Neel Madhukar and Katie Gayvert are driven by similar experiences of close family members developing tumors. Now close friends, their award-winning, co-authored studies focus on applying machine learning techniques to predict drug efficacy to maximize benefits for patients.

Natalya Gertsik, PhD (Class of 2016 )

Although she trained for a future in dance, graduate student Natalya Gertsik found a perfect partner in science. Using her research to challenge our understanding of debilitating diseases, such as Alzheimer’s, Gertsik hopes to make a difference in the way we treat some of the most lethal conditions of our time.

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